Hospitality Sundays - Next Coffee and ...will be on June 9 at St. Edmund Murphy Hall. Hospitality at Ascension Church is held on the 3rd Weekend of each month following Masses.

The next “Coffee and . . .” at St. Edmund will be Sunday, June 9, following the 9:15 Mass. All are welcome, even if you plan to attend a different Mass that weekend. Come to Murphy Hall for a delicious breakfast and enjoyable conversations.  
Coffee and . . . is a monthly brunch in Murphy Hall comprised of homemade breakfast items on the second Sunday each month, except for May and December.  There is even a Kids Activities Table, overseen by first grade catechist, Julia Paterson, so conversations can flow!

If you love to bake or you have a signature egg casserole you could make for the parish, please contact St. Edmund Hospitality Coordinator, Joann Lewandowski, at [email protected] or Diane Lawrence at [email protected].  New bakers and cooks are appreciated and welcomed.  See you in Murphy Hall! 

Please plan to stay after Mass at Ascension on the third weekend of each month for light refreshments and conversation. If you have any interest in being part of the hospitality team after the Mass you attend, please contact Diane Lawrence at [email protected]. Your help is greatly appreciated!